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Stata Commands

This repository contains Stata commands I've written to make my life easier. All the utilities can be installed with the following:

net from
net install [packagename]

Here is a brief description of each of the available commands. For more information, please see the appropriate documentation page.

  • aki_ra - Assigns AKI Stages based on the KDIGO guidelines.

  • destringerror_ra - Identifies values that prevent clean destringing.

  • datefix_ra - Reformats all date/datetime variables to a consistent format.

  • zanthro - This is essentially a rehost of a Stata Journal Package (sj_****). I have not written this.

In progress:

  • Project set-up package.
  • Randomization modules.


I make no warranties about any of those commands. They are here mostly for my personal use. If they work for you, great! Please let me know if there's a bug, or feel free to initiate a pull request. I'm unlikely to implement feature requests, but if you feel strongly you can ask or just fork the repository.